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Introduction Biometrics

Biometrics comprises methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, in particular, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control

Purpose Of biometrics

Making systems easy to work with high degree of integrity: Fingerprint biometric systems are quite handy. Systems are not so complicated.

Biometric Tech Product Perspective

In general in many organizations there is a traditional pattern of attendance by manual means, like signing on any register or daily attendance calls etc. this pattern is followed only to ensure that only the authenticated person is signing or any unauthorized person is giving proxy of someone else, as this results in loss of organization at last

What Biometric Integrated System Does?

Biometric integrated systems uses physical features to check a person's identity and it is use to ensure much greater security than password and number systems

Automatic Personal Identification System

An automatic personal identification system which is based solely and totally upon fingerprints or faces is often not able to meet the requirements such as system performance requirements Prototype biometrics system is developed which integrates faces and fingerprints

The meaning of biometric information

Biometric information is the information about a specific or individual person's body.  Hair colour and height are simple examples of biometric information.  However for identification and recognizing purposes hair colour and height are not very useful information because they change relatively rapidly and quickly (hair colour is changed by dye, colour, by sunshine or by age; a person's height varies throughout the day according to the pressure on the spine).  For identification or recognizing  purposes the most well known type of biometric information is the fingerprint, these are used because it is believed that no two people have the same patterns in the skin of their fingers and the patterns are relatively constant and unchanged ; they might change a little bit as a person gains or loses weight but the patterns remain recognisable and unique.  Another commonly used form of biometric information is DNA sequences.  DNA is the biological code that is present in every cell of the human body and that describes each individual person.
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Meaning of Biometric Identity Card

The article introduces the basic technology of biometric identification systems.
Almost everyone knows that an identity card is a piece of plastic that is shown to security guards, police officers, immigration staff etc. Cards are issued by all the manner of organisations: universities issue them to staff and students, governments issue them to citizens and people , companies issue them to their staff.  Most of these cards contain some of the basic details such as name,  photograph of the person's face and a reference number that allows the card to matched to some central record held by the card issuer.  Some of the more sophisticated and advanced cards also contain magnetic strips or what we call barcodes that can be used with other machines to unlock doors so that the card acts like a key.A biometric identity card is similar to existing cards but will also contain biometric information.

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What Is Biometric Services?

It is too early to predict how, where and in which form reliable and trustable biometric services will eventually or in the end be delivered. But it is certain that there is no way around biometrics-based identification if we insist on trustable, positive, reliable, and irrefutable or satisfactory identification. As fraud and crimes in our society grows, as the pressure to deliver inexpensive authentication services mounts, and as geographically mobile individuals increasingly need to establish or built their identity as strangers in remote communities, or which are far away from cities the problem of reliable personal identification becomes more and more difficult and is not an easy task. To catapult biometric technology into the mainstream identification market, it is important to encourage and to appreciate its evaluation in realistic contexts, to facilitate its integration into end-to-end solutions, and to foster or develop innovation of inexpensive, reliable and user-friendly implementations. Pervasive, accountable use of biometrics technology will help to establish a more open and fair society.

This paper presents a multi modal biometric identification system based on the features of the human hand. It is described that a new biometric approach to personal identification using eigenfinger and eigenpalm features, with fusion applied at the matching-score level. The identification process can be classified into the following phases: capturing the image; pre processing; extracting and normalizing the palm and strip-like finger sub images; extracting the eigenpalm and eigenfinger features based on the K-L transform; matching and fusion; and, finally, a decision based on the (k, l)-NN classifier and thresholding. The system was tested on a database of about 237 people (1,820 hand images). The experimental results showed the effectiveness of the system in the terms of the recognition rate (100 percent), the equal error rate of (EER = 0.58 percent), and the total error rate of (TER = 0.72 percent)
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Automatic Personal Identification System

An automatic personal identification system which is based solely and totally upon fingerprints or faces is often not able to meet the requirements such as system performance requirements Prototype biometrics system is developed which integrates faces and fingerprints. The system overcomes the limitations of both that is face recognition systems as well as fingerprint verification systems. The integrated prototype system operates in the identification mode with an admissible response time. The identity established by the system is more reliable and trusted than the identity established by a face recognition system. In addition, the proposed decision fusion scheme enables performance improvement by integrating multiple cues with different confidence measures. experimental results have demonstrated that this system performs very well. It meets the response time as well as the accuracy requirements both and also trusted.

A wide variety of systems usually requires reliable and trust able personal recognition schemes to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual requesting their services or asking for help. The purpose of such types of schemes is to ensure that the rendered services are accessed only by a legitimate user, justified or by a reasonable person and no one else. Examples of such applications include secure access to buildings, computer systems, cellular phones, and ATM s etc. In the absence of robust personal recognition schemes, these systems are vulnerable and unprotected to the wiles or clever tricks of an impostor. Biometric recognition, or, simply, biometrics, refers to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their physiological and their behavioral characteristics. By use of biometrics, it is possible to confirm or establish an individual's identity based on "who he is", rather than by "what he possesses" (e.g., an ID card) or "what he remembers" (e.g., a password). It gives a brief overview of the field of biometrics and summarize some of its advantages, disadvantages, strengths, limitations, and related privacy concerns etc.
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What Biometric Integrated System Does?

Biometric integrated systems uses physical features to check a person's identity and it is use to ensure much greater security than password and number systems. Biometric features such as the fingerprint or face can be stored in a credit card on microchip, for example. A single feature, however, sometimes fails to be exact enough for identification. Another big disadvantage of using only one feature is that the chosen feature is not always readable.

(DCS AG) which is Dialog Communication Systems developed BioID that is a multimodal identification system which uses three different features-face, voice, and lip movement for identifying people. With its three modalities, BioID achieves much greater precision and accuracy than single-feature systems. Even if one of the modality is somehow and anyhow disturbed-for example, if a noisy environment drowns out the voice-the either two modalities still lead to an accurate and precise identification. This article explains about the system functions, explaining about the data acquisition and preprocessing techniques for voice, facial, and lip imagery data. The article has also explained about the classification principles used for optical features and the sensor fusion options (the combinations of the three results-face, voice, lip movement-to obtain varying levels of security)

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Biometric Tech Product Perspective

In general in many organizations there is a traditional pattern of attendance by manual means, like signing on any register or daily attendance calls etc. this pattern is followed only to ensure that only the authenticated person is signing or any unauthorized person is giving proxy of someone else, as this results in loss of organization at last. But this involves manual effort, to make it an automated system some type of functioning must be applied so that only the authenticated person is allowed to use that and that too with his unique identity mark. That why biometric system is used as a solution for such application as every person is having his individual biological identity.

         Product Functions

·         Finger of any employee is scanned then it is compared to the sample images of employee’s finger in database.

·         If match is not found the system will discard, else system will retrieve the file name which is the ID of individual employee. And then searches the data of corresponding ID.

·         The data is shown on the screen and an entry is made to the data of employee in the current date of employees’ presence at a particular time.

 User Classes and Characteristics

      DB Administrator: To maintain the database of the individuals of any organizations.

      Manager:                To have a record of the presence of any individual at a particular

                                place in any organization.

      Security In charge:  To verify the authenticity of any individual.


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Purpose Of Biometric

      Making systems easy to work with high degree of integrity: Fingerprint biometric systems are quite handy. Systems are not so complicated.

    Making processes done just by following few easy instructions these systems can be used. Providing biometric data i.e. fingerprints are easier.

    Making systems compact and small in size: Fingerprint sensors are light weight and small in size so it is quite transportable.

    Making systems to work using low power: Fingerprint sensors consume very less power so sensors are good for outdoor use too.

    Cheap: Cost of a fingerprint sensor is quite low. For big laboratories, cost does not make much difference when it is related to research work. But due to availability at low cost finger sensors is also affordable for small scale use.

    Utilizing the Non-Intrusive property : As the biometric is non-intrusive, it does not take much effort to convince users to provide data.

    Availability of Large Databases: Fingerprint is quite familiar biometric from long time back.

         Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

    This document OS having info for developers, project managers, marketing staff, users, testers, and documentation writers.
     The main feature is its hardware and software compatibility.

         Product Scope

    The scope of Biometric System can extend to the applications for Homeland Security to enhance airport security, travel documents, visa documents and border protection.
    Fingerprint biometrics are used in a variety of applications including electronic door locks, smart cards, vehicle ignition control systems, USB sticks with fingerprint controlled access, and many others
    Digital signal processing elements in fingerprint scanners perform complex DSP functions such as filters, transforms, feature extraction, matching operations and other algorithms.
    Fingerprint Recognition Technology has much security application in real world like it can be used in -Network/PC Log in Security, Web Page Security, Employee Recognition Systems, Time and Attendance Systems, Voting Solutions.
    Many schools used Biometric -Attendance to track their student's attendance. The Biggest advantage of Biometric -Attendance over manual tracking is better security. Many shops and shopping mall use biometric attendance-attendance for security purpose and it really works a lot.
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